5th November


This gallery contains 22 photos.

A great afternoon, catching up with stitching and seeing what everybody else had created. Also we talked about recycling ideas. Enjoy the photos of the day, and we look forward to seeing everybody in December.

11th June


This gallery contains 45 photos.

We all had a great time making Anglo Saxon Brooches!!!!! We used a variety of materials to construct and finished by using gathered leather as a background. Enjoy!

14th May


This gallery contains 29 photos.

Today we had a lovely time speed stitching. We all had 10 minutes each to stitch a line then fold over and pin then hand onto the next person. Have a look at the results below.  

9th April


This gallery contains 25 photos.

Japan Crafts Talk and Workshops by Katie Chaplin in conjunction with the Poldrate Quilters. Great afternoon with Katie who demonstrated how to construct the Kimono on a mannequin, have a look at the photos below and enjoy.