14th March 2015

We all had a great afternoon thanks to the Haddington Spinners and Weavers who came to show us how to spin fibres using a spindle, and talk to us about spinning and yarns.

Here are some pictures below to show you how good the afternoon was.Spun yarn Winding up the spun yarn All systems spin It's all in the twist Fulling the fibres Everyone has a go It's great fun Debbie explaining how to spin Starting the process Twisting and letting the yarn out at the same time Finally getting the hang of it Chatting and spinning Demonstration time We formed two circles to ease the load We listened We started with the twist We watched Demonstration using the spinning wheel We watched Examples of merino wool Showing us the carders The action used You could use a dog come instead Feeling the fibres before starting Isabella introducing our visitors Explaining about fibres Textures of fibres The difference between fibres Fibres handed round Explaining about our future needle felting talk in May Knitted up yarns and spindle The carders used We loved the colours