Saturday 11th August 1st Meeting of the New Group

Remember the 1st meeting of the new Sew Forth Group in East Lothian is on Saturday 11th August from 2-4pm
 3rd Floor of the Poldrate Granary, Haddington, East Lothian. EH41 4DA

Gutta resist on Silk

We will be experimenting with different Silk Painting techniques. Using Gutta, Salt, Alcholol (don’t get too excited) and various compounds that give a variety of effects.
Everbody can have a go and have fun.
There will be a raffle to cover the costs of materials used, and we stress that either you come with an apron or not too smartly dressed.

At the next meeting on Saturday 8th September there will be a show and tell to see what everybody has made with their individual silk pieces and a general discussion and stitch problem solving afternoon with a good cup of tea too.

Salt Effect on Silk