9th August 2014

Everybody had a lovely relaxing, sometimes messy, sunny afternoon printing with potatoes and other vegetables. Have a look at some of the fabulous designs that the group printed.

Essential equipment The good old spud! printing withlines Paint at the ready Lovely layering of colours Two different printing blocks Designing as a whole Fabulous bird The bees have it. Fun printing Printing in progress Fun had by all The off cuts are useful too. Ready to start edSAM_1879 Concentrating! Dabbing with fabric paint Using two colours Potato just cut Designing with Peppers and Onions Ready for tea? Fantastic cakes too Printing in progress Nobody wanted to stop for tea The sun shone too Experimenting with colour Printing with variety of produce edSAM_1850 edSAM_1847 Lovely overall design The options to print with Dabbing and printing edSAM_1835 So intense!